Monday, April 2, 2007

$5 pizzzzaaaa

It's 5 dolla pizza night.
Exxxcited muches!
Mom is on her way down, should be here in 15 mins or so!
Gonna clean up my apartment.
My roommates left me.
My brother and possibly his woman is moving in with moi this week.
I just realized that blogger spellchecks blog entries.
Too funny!
Cory's coming over tonight around 9ish.
Prison Break finale on tonight and i'm anxious!
I think Linc gets killed/shot by Kim.
I hate Kim..
I switched into MOA+WC at school, so I'm no longer in EOA woop woop!
Bookroom job is going pretty well.
I love the extra cash!
We're getting a THE BODY SHOP at the old Garage!!!!!
Mommy is here so I have to go clean now!

much loves here <333